Education - Early Childhood/Childhood
A flexible education program that works around your schedule
Alfred University, in collaboration with Corning Community College (CCC), is offering a Bachelor’s Degree completion program in Early Childhood/Childhood Education with classes primarily on the CCC Spencer Hill Main Campus. You'll receive an integrated blend of professional education methods, coursework and field based opportunities in area schools and be prepared to meet the academic requirements of the New York State Education Department for certification in Early Childhood Education (Birth - 2nd Grade) and Childhood Education (1st - 6th grade).
The Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood/Childhood Education is a 64 credit, 22 month undergraduate program. This program is designed for students who are unable to attend traditional residential colleges due to everyday life circumstances such as work, family or the inability to relocate. To accommodate students in these circumstances, classes meet on weeknights or Saturdays. Hybrid courses (a combination of direct contact class meetings and online class meetings) are incorporated into the curriculum to allow students to complete the program within 2 calendar years, providing a student follows the established sequence for a particular major. All students must complete one course in Alfred on the Alfred University campus to meet our residency requirement. This State Education Department approved program consists of courses specifically in the education major, as well as courses that fulfill general education and concentration requirements. The program is designed for CCC students who have earned an Associate’s Degree in Education or Childhood Education. For these students, CCC and AU have developed a transfer system that will allow CCC students admitted to the program to seamlessly continue on to AU courses offered primarily on the CCC Spencer Hill campus.
Early childhood/childhood education students are required to complete practicum and student teaching. The instructor for both courses will assign students to their placements. Students may request their placements, but it will be dependent on whether or not the selected school and/or teacher are willing to participate in that semester. Due to the nature of the procedures for practicum and student teaching at every school as well as state requirements, Alfred University will make placement assignments.
Graduates of this early childhood/childhood education program will meet the requirements for initial certificates as early childhood (birth-grade 2) and childhood (grades 1-6) teachers. Teachers that hold the initial certificate are then required to complete a Master’s Degree in Education within 5 years and teach 3 years full-time in order to receive their professional certificate in teaching.
This degree completion program utilizes a cohort model: each student is assigned to a cohort of students in their degree program. This cohort stays together throughout the program, taking the same courses in the same sequence. [Actual courses and sequence are subject to change.]
Students majoring in Early Childhood/Childhood Education complete coursework that demonstrates depth and breadth in the arts and sciences and fulfills requirements in basic competencies in the following areas of knowledge: written communication, mathematics, computer, literature, foreign language, arts, social science, historical studies and natural science. Students must also complete 30 hours (7 at CCC, 23 at Alfred University) in psychology - an academic area concentration aligned with the current New York State Learning Standards.
- EDUC 105 Education Perspectives
- EDUC 230 Psychological Foundations of Education
- EDUC 374 Integrated Methods
- EDUC 375 Early Childhood/Childhood Practicum
- EDUC 461 Student Teaching
- EDUC 471 Methods of Teaching Literacy
- EDUC 473 Assessment in the Early Childhood/Childhood Classroom
- EDUC 472 Competency Skills in Teaching Literacy
- EDUC 474 Orientation to the Early Childhood/Childhood Classroom
- Psychology Electives
Total Credits - 64
- Associate of Science Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Education/Childhood Education completed by the end of the semester preceding enrollment in the AU degree completion program
- Minimum overall GPA of 2.0
- Minimum grade of C in all CCC prerequisite education courses that count towards the major
Transfer Credits
Alfred University will accept 58 credits from a student’s Associate of Science Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Education/Childhood Education from Corning Community College. Students will complete an additional 62 credits through Alfred University to ensure they meet the 120 credit requirement for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education. Prior to acceptance, your CCC transcript will be evaluated to determine if program prerequisites and requirements have been fulfilled. If there are more than four (4) courses required for entry to the Alfred University degree completion program that are not fulfilled prior to enrollment, students will be encouraged to complete those requirements before entrance into the program.
This is a Corning, NY, based program, with courses primarily offered on CCC’s Spencer Hill Main Campus. However, it is a program requirement that all students complete one course in Alfred, NY, on the Alfred University campus to meet our residency requirement. The course in Alfred will take place during the summer between the spring semester and the second fall semester of the program. Aside from the summer courses, all other courses are held on the CCC Spencer Hill campus on weeknights and Saturdays. This degree completion program utilizes a cohort model: each student is assigned to a cohort of students in their degree program. This cohort stays together throughout the program.
For the 2020-2021 academic year, the tuition for each four-credit undergraduate course is $1,460. Students only pay for the exact number of credits for which they are registered. The cost for the 64 credit Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education is approximately $23,360. This cost does not include books and associated class materials.
Financial aid is available by applying for state and federal financial aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students qualify for full time financial aid if they are registered for a minimum of 12 credits per semester.
- Completed online Alfred University application for transfer admissions
- Personal statement
- College transcripts for every institution attended and degree level
- High school transcript or notarized copy of a GED
- Letters of recommendation
- At least one letter from an adviser or faculty member
- Additional recommendations from employers, coaches, pastors, etc.
- Interview coordinated through Alfred University
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75
This program is an Alfred University program; students in the program are Alfred University students earning an Alfred University degree. All students accepted to Alfred University pay a nonrefundable $300 enrollment deposit.
Fall Application Deadline - July 1st
Spring Application Deadline - December 1st